e-mail: annashatalova@yahoo.com
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The paper substantiates the mechanisms for support the application of the new methods and technologies for the reengineering of business processes of city farming. The development and implementation of the agro-industrial complex development strategy until 2050 is based on the solution of the following tasks: expanding the area of irrigated lands of economic entities and increasing soil productivity and resource allocation, providing urban residents with land, total robotization and the formation of innovative agribusiness, especially in food production and the formation of a new economic person , the deployment of a new industrial-type agriculture based on the digital economy in urban rooftops. The article describes administrative and legal barriers to the development of the agro-industrial complex economy; arguments are given for their cancellation; it is recommended to check anti-competitive agreements in the meat market. It substantiates the thesis that the expansion of competition increases the country's economic growth, and its restriction increases prices, stimulates poverty growth and unemployment, and most importantly, forms prerevolutionary situations. The construction of high-rise high-tech agro-industrial complexes in the city of Dushanbe and other cities of Tajikistan is recommended. It is recommended to stimulate the acquisition of real estate and businesses by rural residents in cities, and the reverse, the participation of urban residents as investors and entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector, rural infrastructure and agriculture, and the development of business incubation of small industrial and innovative entrepreneurship in Tajikistan. It substantiates the interaction of dekhkan farms with city farmers, agro-industrial farmers and personal subsidiary farms of the population, or their evolution into integrated systems for managing the agro-industrial complex based on the total mechanization of computerization and automation of production and sales processes. It is proposed to improve the existing legislation and its implementation in terms of legal and economic support and development of entrepreneurship, including city farming. It is recommended to increase competition especially in the meat market and to attract reserves of economic growth by improving the business environment.
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the main trends and directions for the further development of existing systems and means for detecting nuclear explosions. The authors present the results of the analysis of the technological trends that currently exist, the factors affecting their further development and the methods for their further modernization. It is noted that the existing realities of the functioning of the world community are such that the development of systems and means for detecting nuclear explosions will continue, their detection characteristics will improve, and their transformation into information collection systems will be possible. Operating these systems and means and communicating information about the results of notching to the state and military authorities are the task commensurate with the functions of national and national defense. Currently functioning in the United States of America The Nuclear Detonation Detection System (US NDS), that provides the detection, determination of coordinates, power and time of a nuclear explosion globally in the Earth’s atmosphere and near-Earth space and sends messages in time scale, is considered. The authors noted that the military-industrial complex of the United States of America has significantly stepped up work on creating new and improving existing ground-based warning means for the use of mass destruction weapons. Currently, in the United States of America, along with the space system for detecting nuclear explosions, the ground-based systems for detecting nuclear explosions adopted in service in 1998 are successfully operating. These systems are capable of detecting nuclear explosions with a power more than 1 kt.
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