Requirements for articles

Requirements for submitting articles to the editorial office

By sending the article to the editor, the author thereby expresses consent to the processing of his personal data. The personal data of the authors received by the editors, with the exception of information required for publication, are not provided to third parties and organizations.
The publication is an open access journal. The author agrees that the following personal data will be publicly available:
  • Full name
  • E-mail address
  • Information about scientific title and scientific degree
  • Information about the place of work and the position held.

Electronic form
To the editorial office of the journal «Economics. Law. Innovations» the article is submitted in electronic form (Microsoft Word text editor) to e-mail: The volume of the article is from 8 to 14 pages.

Verified text
The text of the article must be pre-edited by the author, the dates, formulas, names of scientists, authors of literary sources must be verified.

Requirements for an article
A work not previously published by the author is accepted for publication - a scientific, scientific-practical or analytical article corresponding to the main topics of the journal. The editors reserve the right to reject the article if the subject of the article is not correspond to the profile of the journal; if the article is not relevant enough; if the article is written in insufficiently literary or unscientific language; if the design of the article does not meet the requirements described in the «Rules for formatting the text of the article».

Articles must be checked for the amount of borrowing and reviewing.

Formatting rules

1. The text of the publication should be typed in a text editor Word, font - Times New Roman, font size - 14, line spacing - 1.5, paragraph indentation - 0.75 cm, margins at the top, bottom, left, right - 2 cm, page numbering is continuous, starting from the first.

Tables are presented in Word format. Tables in the text should be numbered and have headings placed above the table field. The heading should be placed above the table without a point at the end. The table must be placed after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. The reference to the table in the text is required - it must be present before the presentation of the table itself. The link should be organically included in the text, and not stand out in an independent phrase repeating the thematic heading of the table. The heading (Table 1) is located on the left without paragraph indentation. Column headings and subheadings must be named.

Figures (photographs, screenshots, etc.) are placed in the text of the article in the program in which they were created, and also attached as separate files in JPEG or TIFF formats with a resolution of at least 150 dpi; Word and Excel figures are also attached as a separate file in DOC format.

2. The list of cited literature must contain at least 5 sources in the order of their mentioning in the text.

Self-citations in any form and multiple citations of one author (s) are prohibited and must be deleted as unjustified (exception: a reference to the beginning of a previously published study, or a similar link (no more than two links)).

It is obligatory to cite (1 or more links) foreign authors, specialists on the research topic (in the original language, preferably the articles from journals).

Citation of literature published within the last 5 years is recommended.

It is not recommended to cite unscientific and popular science sources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, study guides), as well as news feeds and blogs, if this is not justified by the logic of the research. If necessary, you can save references in the text.

3. Authors must provide information on financial support for the study.

4. Each scientific article of the journal must contain the following data:

1) UDC code.
2) Surname, name, patronymic of the author (in full).
3) Academic degree, academic title
4) ORCID code as a link
5) Position, place of work (if any). Place of work and position are indicated in full, without any abbreviations.
6) Contact information (postal address. E-mail, telephone for prompt communication).
7) Title of the article.
8) An abstract of up to 250 words, written in an impersonal form (for example, an assessment is given ..., presented ..., reviewed ...), with a brief description of the content of the work, a statement of the main conclusions and results.
9) Key words according to the content of the article (8-10 words or phrases). Each keyword is separated from the other by a comma.

Information 2-9 is given in both Russian and English

The main text of the article, in which the subheadings should be formulated and highlighted:
1. Introduction
2. Statement of the problem (Purpose of the study)
3. Research methods and materials
4. Results obtained
5. Conclusions, including possible directions for further research
6. References to the numbers of used literary sources in square brackets (indicated in the text of the article). Subscripts (footnotes at the bottom of the page) are not allowed.
7. If a link is given to a specific part of text, the reference indicates the ordinal number of the source in the list of references and the number of pages on which the object of the link is placed.
Example: The work [8, p. 25] indicates that «marketing analysis is ...».
If there is the link to an electronic resource which is with no page numbers, only the ordinal number of the source in the list of references is indicated.
Example: «According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation [5] ...».
If a link needs to be made to several sources at once, they are indicated one after the other in square brackets.
Example: «... space and other industries [1, 2].»

Articles without references to the literature used are not accepted.

List of sources

The authors provide a list of references for the Russian-language version of the article, and also provide a list of references in the Latin alphabet in a separate block.

Latin list
The list of references in the Latin alphabet completely repeats the list of references for the Russian-language part.

When compiling a Russian-language list of references, it is recommended to be guided by the Russian GOST R 7.0.5-2008. To compile a list of references (References) in Latin, authors can
be guided by the APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association) or Harvard standard.

For Russian-language articles from journals, collections and conferences, the following bibliographic reference structure is required: Authors (transliteration), translation of the article title into English, source title (transliteration, in italics), output data with designations in English, indication of the article language in brackets (In Russ.).

Examples of source design

Books. One-volume editions
Семенов В.В. Философия: итог тысячелетий. Философская психология / В.В. Семенов. - Пущино: ПНЦ РАН, 2000. - 64 с. doi: 10.18454/IRJ.2015.0001.
Semenov V.V. Philosophy: the results of the Millennium. Philosophical psychology / V.V. Semenov. Pushchino : PNC RAN. 2000. pp. 64. doi: 10.18454/IRJ.2015.0001. (In Russ.).
Бахвалов Н.С. Численные методы : учеб. пособие для физ.- мат. специальностей вузов / Н. С. Бахвалов, Н.П. Жидков, Г.М. Кобельков и др. ; под общ. ред. Н. И. Тихонова.. 2-е изд. - М. : Физматлит : Лаб. базовых знаний, 2002. - 630 с. doi: 10.18454/IRJ.2015.0001.
Bachvalov N.S. Numerical methods: tutorial for physics and mathematics specialties of University / N.S.Bachvalov, N.P.Zhydkov, G.M.Kobelkov et al.; ed. N.I.Tichonov.. 2nd edition. M.:Fizmatlit: Lab. Bazovich znaniy. 2002. pp. 630. doi: 10.18454/IRJ.2015.0001. (In Russ.).

Legislative materials
Российская Федерация. Конституция (1993). Конституция Российской Федерации: офиц. текст. - М. : Маркетинг, 2001. - 39 с.
Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). The Russian Federation Constitution: official edition. M.: Marketing. 2001. pp. 39. (In Russ.).

Standards. GOST R 517721 – 2001
Аппаратура радиоэлектронная бытовая. Входные и выходные параметры и типы соединений. Технические требования.. Введ. 2002–01–01. - М. : Изд-во стандартов, 2001. - 27 с.
Apparatura radioelectronnaya bytovaya. Vchodye i vychodniye parametry i tipy soedineniy. Technicheskiye trebovaniya. 2002–01–01. M.: Izdatelsvo standartov. 2001. pp. 27. (In Russ.).

Multivolume editions
Казьмин В.Д. Справочник домашнего врача . В 3 ч. Ч. 2. Детские болезни / В. Д. Казьмин. - М. : АСТ : Астрель, 2002. - 503 с.
Kazmin V.D. Family Doctor's Guide. In 3 vol. Vol. 2. Childhood diseases / V.D.Kazmin. M. AST: Astrel. 2002. pp. 503. (In Russ.).

Белозеров И.В. Религиозная политика Золотой Орды на Руси в XIII–XIV вв. : дис. …канд. ист. наук: 07.00.02 : защищена 22.01.02 : утв. 15.07.02 / Белозеров Иван Валентинович. - М., 2002. - 215 с.
Beloserov I.V. Religious policy of the Golden Horde in Russia in the 13-14th : dis. phd in history : 07.00.02 : defended 22.01.02 : app 15.07.02 / Belozerov Ivan Valentinovitch. M. 2002. pp. 215. (In Russ.).

Article from serial editions
Боголюбов А.Н. О вещественных резонансах в волноводе с неоднородным заполнением / А. Н. Боголюбов, А. Л. Делицын, M. Д. Малых и др. // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 3: Физика. Астрономия. 2001. № 5.. С. 23–25.
Bogolubov A.N. About the real resonances in a waveguide with inhomogeneous filling / A.N.Bogolubov, A.L.Delitsyn, M.D.Malych et al. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Vol 3. Phisika. Astronomiya. M. 2001. No. 5. pp. 23-25. (In Russ.).

Electronic sources
Соколова Е.Д. Эмоциональный стресс: психологические механизмы, клинические проявления, психотерапия. 1996. № 1(9). С. 5–25 [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:
Sokolova E.D. Emotional stress: psychological mechanism, clinical implications, psychotherapy. 1996. No. 1(9). pp. 5-25. Available at: (in Russ.).

Foreign editions
Hebb D.O. The organization of behavior / D. O. Hebb. New York: Wiley. 1949.150 p.
D’Addato A. V. Secular trends in twinning rates. Journal of Biosocial Science. 2007. Vol. 39(1). pp. 147–151. doi:10.1017/s0021932006001337.

Examples of article formatting

УДК 000.00
Фамилия Имя Отчество
магистрант факультета экономики Государственного университета
990000, г. Городок, ул. Молодежная, 1

Название статьи

Аннотация: Текст объемом до 250 слов об актуальности и новизне темы, главных содержательных аспектах.

Ключевые слова: 8–10 слов или словосочетаний по выбранной теме через запятую.

Surname Name Patronymic

PhD applicant of the Economic Department, State University

tel.: (000) 000-00-00

The title of the article

Summary: The text of 250 words on the relevance and novelty of the topic, the main substantive aspects.

Keywords: 8–10 words or phrases on a selected topic.

Текст ... [1, c. 111]

Постановка задачи (Цель исследования)

Методика исследования
Текст [2, с. 3]

Полученные результаты
Текст [5, с.46]

Выводы, направления дальнейших исследований


Список источников
1. Белозеров И. В. Религиозная политика Золотой Орды на Руси в XIII–XIV вв. : дис. … канд. ист. наук : 07.00.02 : защищена 22.01.02 : утв. 15.07.02 / Белозеров Иван Валентинович. - М., 2002. - 215 с.
Beloserov I.V. Religious policy of the Golden Horde in Russia in the 13-14th : dis. … phd in history : 07.00.02 : defended 22.01.02 : app 15.07.02 / Belozerov Ivan Valentinovitch … M. 2002. pp. 215 (In Russ).
2. Боголюбов А.Н. О вещественных резонансах в волноводе с неоднородным заполнением / А. Н. Боголюбов, А. Л. Делицын, M. Д. Малых и др. // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 3, Физика. Астрономия. 2001. № 5. С. 23–25.
Bogolubov A.N. About the real resonances in a waveguide with inhomogeneous filling / A.N.Bogolubov, A.L.Delitsyn, M.D.Malych et al. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Vol 3. Phisika, Astronomiya. 2001. No. 5. pp. 23-25. (In Russ).
3. Соколова Е.Д. Эмоциональный стресс: психологические механизмы, клинические проявления, психотерапия. 1996. № 1(9). С. 5–25 [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа:
Sokolova E.D. Emotional stress: psychological mechanism, clinical implications, psychotherapy. 1996. No. 1(9). pp. 5-25. Available at: (In Russ.).
4. Hebb D. O. The organization of behavior / D. O. Hebb. New York: Wiley, 1949. 150 p.

5. D’Addato A. V. Secular trends in twinning rates. Journal of Biosocial Science. 2007. Vol. 39(1). pp. 147–151. doi:10.1017/s0021932006001337.

Phone: +7 (812) 480-04-96
Udalova Alexandra Leonidovna – editorial office's technical secretary
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